Projects Brazil

University of Rubber

LANXESS initiative provides professional training to the community surrounding the Triunfo petrochemical complex (Rio Grande do Sul state)
In 2011 LANXESS ran a project with schools in the municipality of Triunfo (Rio Grande do Sul state), called the University of Rubber. In partnership with Senai / CETEPO (the Polymer Technology Center), the initiative offers a basic course in Rubber Technology for students at technical schools in Triunfo and Montenegro (both in Rio Grande do Sul state).
With the participation of a chemical technician from LANXESS, the project contributed to the students’ training in the manufacturing of synthetic rubber. The initiative benefited about 30 students from the region surrounding the Triunfo petrochemical complex.
Activities carried out during the course:
- Presentation on LANXESS.
- Presentation on rubber.
* history
* manufacturing
* green rubber
* applications
- Basic course in Rubber Technology - SENAI / CETEPO
- Technical visit (industrial area and laboratory) - LANXESS

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